It is good for travelers to be aware that, in addition to their own embassy, other foreign embassies in Thailand may be able to help with certain issues. For instance, visitors who want to travel from Thailand to another country can get information about what is needed to cross the border into that country. Applying in a third country for a visa can be tricky, so the consulate of the country you want to enter is the place to get the best information. While the U.S. Embassy in Bangkok, for instance, will accept visa applications from people who are physically in Thailand, they recommend that people apply in their own country. This is because the process for accepting the application may take a long time.

Each country has different rules for visas, and the country's embassy is the point of contact for accurate and up-to-date regulations. For instance, some countries will not allow you to enter their country if you have been there in the previous three, six, or twelve months. This will be valuable information when planning a backpacking excursion. Trekkers can plan their entry and exit from the country based on this information, and the embassies can help make sure this all happens smoothly.

Other embassies help in Thailand

Backpacking from Thailand

While backpackers and trekkers are known for being spontaneous, in fact most plan their routes ahead. The vast majority of travelers to Southeast Asia begin in Bangkok. Situated in the middle of Thailand, the next stop will be north or south. Experienced backpackers suggest planning the round trip rather than from one destination to another. Commonly, backpackers combine trips to Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam. These can be volatile areas, and having the best information as you plan your trip is important. Even if you have planned the most logical route, events can change your plans.

Conflicts and Natural Disasters Can Happen

Other reasons to look to foreign embassies for help are when conflicts or natural disasters arise in a country you plan to visit after leaving Thailand. The embassy of the country in question can give you accurate information about the situation and let you know which parts of the country would be best to visit. There is a real advantage to being able to visit the actual embassy and speak with consular personnel who have a direct line to the country--especially in emergency situations such as these.

After getting the best information from the foreign embassy, checking back with your own embassy is a good idea if there is a volatile situation. Most countries issue travel alerts and warnings when there is an active conflict or disaster occurring. Paying attention to these warnings, as well as arming yourself with information from the country's embassy, will keep you safe while having a satisfying vacation.


