There are about 98 foreign consulates and 71 foreign embassies in Thailand, most located in Bangkok. Embassies represent a home country in a foreign country and deal with passports, visas, death notices, and birth certificates. Consulates are there to help people living and working abroad and to help travelers with many situations that may arise. There is some overlap in services. Both handle passport, visa, absentee voting, and taxes. The consulate and embassy personnel that can help travelers are called 'consuls.' Ambassadors to a country do not help with the usual problems travelers encounter.

What Can an Embassy and Consulate Do! to Help Citizens in Thailand?

People traveling to Thailand can get help from their embassy and consulate with visa issues, emergencies, deaths in the country, finding missing people, and getting married. Foreign embassies and consulates generally have information about the current political situation in Thailand. Embassies usually suggest that visitors register their details, so that in the case of a natural disaster or other emergency, they can find their citizens quickly.

The most common reason people seek the help of their embassy is a lost passport. In anticipation of this possible problem, travelers should make a copy of their passport and put it somewhere safe, perhaps with a family member at home. Consuls can also help with visas, absentee ballots, tax forms, and birth certificates.

Visitors to Thailand who wish to marry a Thai citizen or another foreigner should know that there is a procedure which includes signing a document before a consular official at the foreign embassy. Other emergencies that might arise, and for which travelers should contact their embassy, are sickness and injury. Travelers who need financial help can get advice.

what help can i get from embassies in Thailand 

Can an Embassy or Consulate Get Citizens Out of Jail in Thailand?

One thing that an embassy cannot do for you in Thailand or most other countries is to get a citizen out of jail. While the embassy can offer advice about the legal system and suggest a lawyer, notify family of the situation, and ensure safety in jail, a traveler to Thailand must abide by the law of the land. Citizens who break the law and are arrested should definitely contact their nearest consulate for advice and information, but should not expect to override the Thai legal system.

Can an Embassy or Consulate Find Missing People?

Missing people should be reported to their consulate or embassy. Families and friends should also know that if a family member or friend does not show up at an appointed time, they should contact the embassy or consulate in Thailand. The consulate can then search for the person through regular channels, such as the local authorities, guest houses, hotels, and hospitals.

Each country's Embassy or Consulate has it's own norms and laws?

Every foreign embassy or consulate work after his government norms and laws, which differ a lot between countries. There are certainly a lot more help you can get than what we have listed here, please contact your respective country's embassy or consulate and see what they can provide for assistance.


